QBCC 15266393
Templates and Tools
Just like the right tools on site can make completing a job easier, neater and faster, the right administration tools can reduce your paperwork load significantly.
Uglystick Contracting can work with your business to equip you with the right tools for how you do business and deliver templates, spreadsheets and other base documents full of functionality and branded to suit your business.
Templates can help you to standardise documents use across your business, making information easier to locate, track and analyse.
Below are a list of typical documents that may assist you with the day to day running of your site and business:
Tender proposals and estimating templates
Variation registers, site instructions and variation templates
Document registers and transmittals
QA registers and ITPs
Progress claims and payment schedules
File structures, filing systems and archiving
Invoicing and trade cost coding
Reports and management plans
Handover manuals and documents
Site document management systems
Standardising documents can help ensure that you are complying with your legal obligations and that your staff aren't missing any important details. It can provide a way to present a uniform brand for your business to both external and internal members of your project team and can reduce the training time for new staff. Uglystick Contracting can provide you with a single template or a suite of templates to suite your business needs or we can work with you to modify your existing templates to add more functionality, branding or any extra features that may help your business processes.