QBCC 15266393
Systems Development
Having good systems and procedures in place and help maximise your business efficiency. While it might sound a bit cliche, systems provide strong base upon which to grow your business and allow you to standardise and more easily manage multiple projects and sites simultaneously as your business grows.
Having well defined and practical policies, procedures and systems in place are not only good for your business, they often form part of your statutory compliance obligations.
Uglystick Contracting have experience across a wide range of construction businesses and have been involved in the development of many types of policies, procedures and systems. Some areas where your business may benefit from good procedures include:
Construction management systems
Safety systems
Environmental management systems
Site procedures and systems
Business planning
Administration procedures
Company policies and procedures manuals
ISO 9001 Quality management
File structures and management
Record keeping and archiving (including paper to electronic conversion).
Uglystick Contracting can work with your team to develop practical and useful policies and procedures from scratch or we can provide auditing and editing services to further develop, update or streamline your existing processes.
Whether its project specific or company-wide, we can help you 'tidy' up your business and reduce the cost of inefficiency.